Small Business CRM vs Enterprise CRM: 3 Reasons to Go Small

Today we are going to compare small business CRM vs Enterprise CRM and find out the 3 reason why to go small and DO NOT be afraid of it ! Below read on for an explanation of three reasons why a small business CRM can make more sense than their enterprise counterparts.

1. Smaller vendors offer more affordable, upfront pricing. 

Smaller vendors' subscription costs are typically lower per user/month than enterprise CRM vendors. Lower complexity and development costs, cheaper hosting and maintenance costs -- whatever the reason, the absence of a brand name and a crowded market means vendors are competing for your attention. Furthermore, small business CRM vendors are typically more transparent about their pricing. While larger vendors couch their lower-cost subscriptions with restricted features that only become available with an upgrade or paid integration, smaller vendors are quick to itemize exactly what features you get with each plan.

2.  Smaller vendors devote more resources to support.

Every CRM initiative is going to require a degree of onboarding -- some more than others. Effective onboarding and support can mean the difference between hitting the ground running, and simply hitting the ground. Companies on a shoestring budget, or those with a lot of non-technical end users, will derive a lot more value from a CRM vendor that offers attentive support and training -- no matter their relative functionality. (In other words, a sports car won't go anywhere if you don't know how to drive it.) Specialized implementation is great -- if you can pay for it, that is. Multiple support channels, 24/7 support, guided onboarding, and dedicated account executives are some of the support features available from smaller CRM vendors, which allow you to get started faster while sticking to your budget.

3. Manage your Team in a Common Solution.

Enterprise CRMs are often designed with the goals of the C-suite in mind -- which is fine, but accessibility and the end user experience are often subordinated to broader strategic goals. Failure to gain buy-in from the rank-and-file limits user adoption and ultimately undermines the CRM initiative itself. For small businesses, in which the sales process is comparatively simpler and the owner is not far removed from their employees, communal access to the same interface, data, and functions (according to role) keeps everyone on the same page. CRMs with collaborative tools can improve the workflow in a small-to-midsized team and reduce the need for redundant communication.

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